
Susan Martonosi

Professor of Mathematics and Chair of Faculty
Harvey Mudd College

Biographical Profile


  • PhD, ORC, MIT
  • BS, ORIE, Cornell University

Professional Experience

  • Harvey Mudd College, 2005-Present
    • Chair of Faculty (Elected, 2022-2025)
    • Director, Global Clinic (2017-2020) and Mathematics Clinic (2010-2014)
    • Faculty Executive Committee (Elected, 2009-2015, 2016-2018, 2021-2022)
    • Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee (Elected, 2018-2020)
  • Claremont Graduate University, 2018-Present: Extended Graduate Faculty

Selected INFORMS and Related Activities (Member since 1998)

  • Treasurer (current): Elected Board and Executive Committee member
  • VP for Membership and Professional Recognition (2016-2019): Elected Board member
  • Committees
    • Finance Committee (2021-2022; Chair, 2023-Present)
    • Investment Committee (Chair, 2023-Present)
    • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (2020-2022; Chair, 2020-2021)
    • Ad hoc committee on Committee Diversity (2022-2023)
    • Ad hoc committee to develop the INFORMS Fellows Revocation Policy (Chair, 2020)
    • Ad hoc committee on the Academic Programs Database (Chair, 2014-2015)
    • Professional Recognition Committee (2015)
    • Doing Good with Good OR Prize Committee (2011-2013; Chair, 2012)
    • Undergraduate Research Prize Committee (2010-2011; Chair, 2010)
  • Subdivisions
    • Forum on Women in OR/MS (Past-)President(-Elect) 2013-2015; Jr/Sr VP of Meetings 2009-2010
    • Forum on Education (VP of Meetings, 2011-2015)
  • Other
    • INFORMS Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium speaker (2012, 2014, 2017, 2019, 2022)

Selected Professional Honors and Awards

  • WORMS Award for the Advancement of Women in OR/MS (2023)
  • INFORMS Award for the Teaching of OR/MS Practice (2020)
  • Joseph B. Platt Professor for Teaching Excellence (Harvey Mudd College, 2014-2019)
  • Alder Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Beginning College or University Mathematics Faculty Member (Mathematical Association of America, 2012)
  • INFORMS Case Study Competition winner (with A. Farahat, 2009)

Selected Publications

  • Editorial Board, INFORMS Transactions on Education (2016-2021)
  • Special issue co-editor, INFORMS Transactions on Education (2022-Present)
  • Management Science DEI Task Force (2020-2021)
  • MSOM, Interfaces, INFORMS Transactions on EducationOmegaIIE Transactions, and Annals of Operations Research, among others.


First, I thank the members of INFORMS for entrusting me with the role of Treasurer for the past two years. In my first term, I worked with the volunteers on the Finance and Investment committees and with my fellow board members, including INFORMS staff directors, to ensure a smooth financial recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. I am pleased to report that this recovery is occurring faster than originally projected, and that INFORMS is in a very strong financial position.

The work of INFORMS members – facilitating smarter decisions for a better world – is inspiring to me. INFORMS is comprised of practitioners and academics who collaboratively develop, implement, and apply theory and methodology that makes a visible positive impact on the world. The organization serves to enhance that impact with the professional connections it provides through subdivisions and committees, the knowledge it disseminates through conferences and journals, and the advocacy it conducts with local, state, and federal government. Being a member of INFORMS continues to enrich my professional life in new ways with each passing year.

I have enjoyed the past two years as Treasurer and welcome the opportunity for a second two-year term. During this time, I will continue to advocate for improved financial analytics to enhance board-level decision-making. I will also continue my role as a consistent and thoughtful member of the Executive Committee. Through this committee, the Treasurer can examine policies and initiatives through a macroscopic lens and work on behalf of all members of INFORMS.

My other service to INFORMS includes prior membership on the board, INFORMS-level committees, and within subdivisions. As INFORMS VP for Membership and Professional Recognition (2016-2019), I worked collaboratively to make INFORMS award processes consistent, sustainable, and inclusive. These efforts culminated in improvements to the selection processes of INFORMS Fellows and Edelman Award finalists, among others. I worked with the Member Services department to enhance member benefits, by revitalizing the Student Affairs Committee and the INFORMS Speakers Program, and co-shepherding (with Jill Wilson) the creation of a scholarship program. As chair of the INFORMS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (DEIC) in 2020-2021, I used my understanding of INFORMS governance to help operationalize aspirations articulated by the committee and other groups such as the Minority Issues Forum (MIF) and the Forum for Women in OR/MS (WORMS). The committee launched the DEI Ambassadors Program (an initiative of Pinar Keskinocak), collaborated with organizing committees to bring DEI keynote speakers to the Annual Meeting, and liaised with several departments of INFORMS to discuss and develop inclusive practices. 

I love our profession and I love INFORMS. I would welcome the opportunity to continue to serve INFORMS and its members as Treasurer.

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