Discover INFORMS

INFORMS is the largest professional association for the decision and data sciences.

Welcome! We are home to a diverse collection of academic and industry experts in the data and decision sciences, including operations research, analytics, management science, economics, behavioral science, statistics, artificial intelligence, data science, applied mathematics, and more. At INFORMS, we are driven by the belief that our members and their work are helping to make smarter decisions for a better world. Whether you're at the beginning of your academic and professional adventure or decades into a successful career, INFORMS membership will connect you with a group of peers with whom you can collaborate, learn, grow, and share your journey.

Member Benefits Join INFORMS


Op-ed: New Laws Are Putting the Well-Being of University Faculty

"These types of laws are a profound threat to the work of students, faculty, staff and researchers at U.S. universities, including those in operations research, decision science, analytics and related fields."


– Michael Johnson
   University of Massachusetts Boston.

Read more about new laws putting the well-being of universities>

SA Tale of Two Paulines

"Her remarkable life has inspired me, so I’d like to share her story, its echoes in my own life and the ABCs I claim as guidance." 


– Polly Mitchell-Guthrie

Read more about a tale of two Paulines
image of two colloquia attendees, one woman and one man

How DEI Ambassador Projects Led to Establishing INFORMS PRIDE Forum

"In 2020, INFORMS launched a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Ambassadors Program to empower members and fund initiatives to foster a diverse, equitable and inclusive INFORMS community."


– Priyank Arora (he/him), Pritha Dutta (she/her), Alison Murphy (they/them), Tyler Perini (he/they), Dwaipayan Roy (he/him)

Read more about DEI ambassador projects

Best ways INFORMS can help your career:

Four meeting attendees wearing INFORMS baseball caps at the 2017 Annual Meeting General Reception.

Learn, Network, and Grow

INFORMS meetings and conferences provide the ultimate learning and networking events for OR/MS and analytics professionals and students – opportunities to exchange information, ideas, and perspectives with colleagues from around the world.

INFORMS Meetings
A diverse group of employers and jobseekers speaking at an INFORMS career fair

First look at new job openings and internships

The INFORMS Career Center is a service that links employers with qualified applicants in the OR/MS and analytics field. It's not only free for all members, but members get a head start before jobs are open to the public! 

Career Center
The attendees of the Early Career Professionals' Network event standing together and smiling for a group photo

Continuing education courses

INFORMS professional development programs promote lifelong learning and career growth for O.R. and analytics professionals. Attend INFORMS’ high-level continuing education courses on leading analytics topics to stay current in the field.

Professional Development
Two smiling female students in conversation with a smiling man at a small table

Get help navigating your career

Mentor Match lets INFORMS members enroll online to become a mentor or find one. Use the online directory to meet your professional match and begin working on goals together, from career growth to giving back to the community.

Mentor Match
Annual Meeting attendee flipping through an INFORMS journal at an exhibit booth

Timely Research on Methods and Applications

INFORMS publications include our membership magazine OR/MS Today, Analytics magazine, our student publication OR/MS Tomorrow, and 17 scholarly journals, including Operations Research and Management Science.

Publications Info
Winners of an INFORMS Prize award, the BNSF team standing together and smiling at an Edelman Gala.

Highlighting Outstanding Work

INFORMS grants prestigious prizes and awards for meritorious achievement that celebrate wide-ranging categories of achievement from teaching, writing, and practice to distinguished service to the Institute and the profession and contributions to society.

A group of six students working together on a project at a table covered in notes, journal articles, and a few bottled drinks.

Providing resources for future generations

INFORMS is dedicated to fostering growth in OR/MS and analytics through scholarship opportunities. By investing in students, INFORMS will establish a long and rewarding relationship between young professionals and the cornerstones of our industry.



Hear about us and our problem solving members:


Member Impact

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