Vice President - Education

Illya V. Hicks

Professor and Chair of Computational Applied Mathematics & Operations Research,
Rice University

Biographical Profile


  • M.A. and Ph.D. in Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University, 2000
  • B.S. in Mathematics, Texas State University, 1995

Professional Experience

  • Rice University, Chair of Computational Applied Mathematics & Operations Research (formerly Computational and Applied Mathematics) Department (2021-Present)
  • Rice University, Professor of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2014-Present)
  • Rice University, Faculty Advisor to the President (2016-2019)
  • Rice University, Associate Professor of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2007-2014)
  • Texas A&M University, Associate Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering (2006)
  • Texas A&M University, Assistant Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering (2000- 2006)

Selected INFORMS and Related Activities (Member since 1999)

  • INFORMS VP of Education (INFORMS Board Member) (Jan. 2023-Dec. 2024)
  • INFORMS Fellows
    • INFORMS Fellows Selection Committee, 2022-2023
  • INFORMS Minority Issues Forum
    • Inaugural vice president, 2000-2002
    • President, 2002-2004 
    • Executive board member, 2000-Present
  • IFORS 2020
    • Area co-chair for graphs, networks, and combinatorial optimization
  • INFORMS Annual Meeting Committee
    • Special Events and Spouse’s Chair, 2005
    • Sponsored Sessions Co-chair, 2017
  • Nicholson Prize Committee
    • Member, 2014
    • Co-chair, 2015
  • INFORMS Computing Society
    • Board of directors, member, 2018-2020
  • INFORMS Optimization Society
    • Optimization Prize for Young Researchers committee, 2021, 2023
    • Student paper prize committee, 2018
    • General Chair, INFORMS Optimization Society Conference, 2014
  • INFORMS Chapters/Fora Committee
    • Forum representative 2008-2011
  • INFORMS Subdivision Council
    • Forum representative, 2008-2012 and 2015-2017

Selected Professional Honors and Awards

  • INFORMS Fellow, 2020 Class
  • INFORMS Minority Issue Forum Fellow, 2021 (inaugural class)
  • 2010 Forum Moving Spirit Award, INFORMS
  • 2005 Optimization Prize for Young Researchers, Optimization Society, INFORMS

Selected National Service Activities

  • ICERM (an NSF Math Institute) Board of Trustees, member
  • SIAM Polya Prize Committee 2024
  • Mentor, SIAM/Simons Foundation Summer Program 2023
  • SIAG/OPT Best Paper Prize Committee 2023
  • Advisory Board, Cambridge Mathematics Textbooks Series
  • Associate Editor, IISE Transactions
  • Co-organizer, Academic Workshop for Underrepresented Junior Faculty and Senior Graduate Students (2007-Present)

Selected Publications

I have 50+ articles in leading publications.


First, let me state that I am honored to be nominated again for the position of INFORMS Vice President of Education. Education is the best way to improve society. Given the current state of interest in analytics, optimization, statistics, machine learning/AI, and data science, INFORMS should be at the forefront of educational goals to increase exposure to these skills and techniques within all levels of education. During my first term, I was focused on getting more undergraduate students engaged in O.R. research early and preparing for graduate school. In this vein, I have created a task force to increase the public knowledge about graduate school for U.S. undergraduate students. During my second term, I aim to work toward attracting K-12 students who have been historically underrepresented in STEM areas because of the draw to improve society.  I also plan to increase access for all INFORMS members to professional development while strengthening our partnerships with academia and industry. These are all initiatives that INFORMS should be focused on. Hence, I am committed to the current and next generation of OR/MS researchers. 

For more information, please visit:  Illya V. Hicks | Faculty | The People of Rice | Rice University