Brief Biography

Amedeo R. Odoni is the T. Wilson Chair Professor Emeritus of Aeronautics and Astronautics and of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and former Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Science. Odoni obtained all three of his degrees from MIT. His dissertation was supervised by Robert W. Simpson and was one of the first that addressed the then-new problem of airport capacity and delays. He has served on the MIT faculty since receiving his PhD in Operations Research in 1969 and was co-director of the university's Operations Research Center from 1985 to 1991.
Odoni’s interests in operations research include stochastic processes and decision-making under uncertainty. His work has largely focused on applications to air traffic control, airport planning and design, and urban systems. In 1981, he and Richard C. Larson co-authored the book Urban Operations Research, which is the basis of a course that has been taught continuously at MIT since 1972 and at several other universities worldwide. More recently, Odoni has co-authored with R. de Neufville the book Airport Systems: Planning, Design and Management and co-edited with P. Belobaba and C. Barnhart the book The Global Airline Industry. Both have become internationally best-selling textbooks. He is also co-editor of six other books and author or co-author of more than 100 professional publications.
From 1996 to 2002, he served as co-director of the Federal Aviation Administration’s National Center of Excellence in Aviation Operations Research, from 1999 to 2009 as co-director of the Airline Industry Program at MIT and from 2009 to 2013 as the Lead Principal Investigator of the Future Urban Mobility research project, sponsored by the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology. He has also served as editor-in-chief of Transportation Science (1985 – 1991).
Odoni has consulted for national and international civil aviation authorities and at numerous major international airports, including those in Amsterdam, Athens, Boston, Delhi, Lisbon, Milan, Munich, New York, Stockholm, and Sydney.
He is a Fellow of INFORMS and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2011. He has received many awards for his teaching and research, including the FAA Administrator’s National Award for Excellence in Aviation Education and the Robert Herman Lifetime Achievement Award of the Transportation Science and Logistics Section (TSL) of INFORMS for his fundamental and sustained contributions to the discipline.
Other Biographies
Hong Kong Polytechnical Institute International Centre for Maritime Studies. International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports 2008 Keynote Speakers: Professor Odoni, Amedeo R. Accessed August 19, 2018. (link)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Faculty: Amedeo R. Odoni Bio. Accessed May 13, 2015. (link)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, SB 1965
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, SM 1967
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD 1969 (Mathematics Genealogy)
Academic Affiliations
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- University of Padova
Non-Academic Affiliations
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Federal Aviation Administration
Key Interests in OR/MS
- Decision Analysis
- Networks and Graphs
- Optimization/Mathematical Programming
- Probability and Stochastic Models
- Queueing Models
- Scheduling
Application Areas
Awards and Honors
Transportation Science and Logistics Section Robert Herman Lifetime Achievement Award 2001
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Fellow 2004
National Academy of Engineering 2011
Transportation Science and Logistics Section Best Paper Award 2013
Selected Publications
Odoni A. R. (1969) On finding the maximal gain for Markov decision processes. Operations Research, 17(5): 857-860.
Larson R. C. & Odoni A. (1981, 2007) Urban Operations Research. 1981 edition: Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ; 2007 edition: Dynamic Ideas: Belmont, MA.
Bianco L., Odoni A., & Szego G. (1987) Flow Control of Congested Networks. Springer-Verlag: Berlin.
Jaillet P., Odoni A., Powell W. P. (1995). Stochastic and dynamic networks and routing. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, 8, 141-295.
Bianco L., Dell'Omo P., & Odoni A. (1997) Modeling and Simulation in Air Traffic Management. Springer: Berlin.
Barnhart C., Belobaba P., & Odoni A. R. (2003) Applications of operations research in the air transport industry. Transportation Science, 37(4): 368-391. (link)
de Neufville R. & Odoni A. (2003, 2013) Airport Systems: Planning, Design and Management. McGraw-Hill: New York.
Barnhart C., Belobaba P. A., & Odoni A. (2009, 2015) The Global Airline Industry. John Wiley & Sons: London.
Bertsimas D., Lulli G., & Odoni A. (2011) An integer optimization approach to large scale air traffic flow management. Operations Research, 59(1): 211- 227.
Jacquillat, A. & Odoni A. (2015) An Integrated Scheduling and Operations Approach to Airport Congestion Mitigation. Operations Research, 63,1390-1410.
Pyrgiotis, N. & Odoni A. (2016) On the Impact of Scheduling Limits: A Case Study at Newark International Airport. Transportation Science, 50, 150-165.
Wang, H. & A. Odoni (2016) Approximating the Performance of a ‘Last Mile’ Transportation System. Transportation Science, 50, 659-675.
Gillen, D., Jacquillat A. & Odoni A. (2016) Airport Demand Management: The Operations Research and Economics Perspectives and Potential Synergies. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 94, 495-513.