Professor, Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan

Brian Denton is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor, MI. He is also a Professor in the Department of Urology and a member of the Cancer Center at the University of Michigan. Previously he was an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering at NC State University, a Senior Associate Consultant at Mayo Clinic, and a Senior Engineer at IBM. He is past president of the INFORMS Health Applications Section. Before serving as President of INFORMS, he served as Secretary of INFORMS from 2012 to 2015. His research is in the area of optimization under uncertainty with applications to healthcare delivery and medicine. He received the National Science Foundation Career Award. His work with graduate students and collaborators has been recognized with awards including the INFORMS Daniel H. Wagner Prize, the INFORMS Doing Good with Good OR Prize, the Institute of Industrial Engineers Outstanding Publication Award, and the Canadian Operations Research Society Best Paper Award. He has co-authored more than seventy journal articles, conference proceedings, and book chapters, and he has twenty-seven patents granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. For more information about Brian Denton and his research, please visit
During Denton’s presidential term at INFORMS, he worked to develop a new society-wide effort around membership that included the launch of a new diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative. His tenure as President saw the adoption of new INFORMS ethics guidelines for members, the creation of an annual student leadership symposium, board approval of two new journals (INFORMS Journal on Optimization and Stochastic Systems), authorization of a undergraduate student scholarships initiative, and a long-term strategic plan for attracting new members to increase and diversify the membership of INFORMS.
Dr. Brian Denton
University of Michigan
Industrial & Operations Engineering
2893 IOE Building
1205 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor MI 48109-2117
Email: [email protected]