The 2005 Conference on Analysis of Algorithms (AofA'05), will be held in Barcelona on June 6-10, 2005. Analysis of algorithms is a scientific basis for computation, providing a link between abstract algorithms and the performance characteristics of their implementations in the real world.
We invite papers in
Probabilistic analysis of algorithms
Randomized algorithms
Analytic combinatorics
Algorithm design and engineering
that address problems related to predicting the performance of algorithms in applications areas such as combinatorial algo- rithms, string searching and pattern matching, database sys- tems and data warehousing, sublinear algorithms on massive data sets, network design and routing, graph-processing algo- rithms, caching and memory hierarchies, clustering, indexing, and data mining, data and image compression, coding and in- formation theory, computational finance, . . . Papers are also welcome that address bridges to research in related fields such as statistical physics, computational biology, simulation and computational geometry.
The scientific program will include invited talks, contributed research papers, a poster session, and ample time for discus- sion and debate of topics in the analysis of algorithms.