There has been a growing trend in merging theories, methodologies, and applications in Computer Science, Economics, Mathematics, Management Sciences for solving problems arisen in Internet technologies, grid computing, network communication protocols, as well as social economic issues in virtual communities enabled through World Wide Web.
The Workshop on Internet & Network Economics (WINE) is an interdisciplinary conference that intends to provide a forum for researchers as well as practitioners to exchange innovative ideas and to be aware of each other's efforts and results. The 2nd edition of WINE (WINE 2006) will take place from the 15th to the 17th of December 2006, in Patra (Greece).
Papers presenting original research on all aspects of the above mentioned fields are sought. Typical but not exclusive topics of interest are:
* Ad hoc networking and communities,
* algorithmic game theory and online algorithms,
* algorithmic mechanism design,
* auction algorithms and analysis,
* computational general equilibrium and approximation,
* coordination and collective action,
* digital goods and information markets,
* e-commerce payment and exchange protocols,
* economics of internet security,
* fixed point algorithms,
* incentive compatible protocols,
* indivisible goods equilibrium,
* information economics,
* knowledge economy and intellectual product pricing,
* majority equilibrium,
* price differentiation and price dynamics,
* pricing models for network congestion protocols,
* pricing of software system,
* grid computing and utility computing,
* public policy and Internet governance,
* reputation systems,
* security issues and protocols in social networks,
* social engineering,
* strategic data mining,
* strategy-proof protocols,
* other related topics.
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of no more than
12 pages in LNCS style presenting original research on any of the research fields related to WINE. No simultaneous submission to other publication outlets (either a conference or a journal) is allowed.
All submissions will be rigorously peer reviewed and evaluated on the basis of the quality of their contribution, originality, soundness, and significance. The final version will be restricted to
12 pages (in LNCS style). Industrial application works and position papers presenting novel ideas, issues, challenges and directions are all welcome. PC members are also eligible to submit papers. These papers will also undergo the typical reviewing procedure, but there will be a separate committee to judge their quality and significance.
Our proceedings will be published by the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series of Springer Publications (pending approval).
Additionally, ALGORITHMICA and Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) journals will publish selected papers from the conference. It i