Society of Operation Management for Indian Operation Management practitioners & academician has been in existence for last 4 years.
It started through pivotal efforts of Prof. Pankaj Chandra, his colleagues at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad and other likeminded Operation Management professionals who felt the need for a forum for pooling theoretical knowledge & practical experiences of this important management discipline. It culminated into the first Operation Management workshop at IIM -Ahmedabad in December 1997.
Society has since been holding an annual 2 day conference where Academician & practitioners come together and make presentation of their studies, experiences. Tutorials on specific topics are also held for those interested in latest thinking in specific areas. e.g. Last conference in December 2000 a IIT (Chennai) tutorial topics were "Theory of Constraints" and "Heuristics & Optimality search methodologies". These were highly appreciated by the participants. This year's conference will be held from December 21st - 23rd , 2001 at our Institute.
Society is also launching a Journal titled "Asian Journal of Operations Management". To support and broadbase its activities, society needs to expands its membership.
Annual Membership Subscription is Rs. 500/-
Life Membership Subscription is Rs. 2,500/-
Programme of 5th conference of the Society
Programme is as follows:
1st Day - 21st December
- Paper presentation by research students
2nd & 3rd Day - 22nd & 23rd December
- Paper presentation by practitioner & Academicians
- Tutorials on topics of interest to operations professionals
Draft of Announcement
December 21st - 23rd
(Society of Operations Management - India)
S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research
Dadabhai Road, Munshi Nagar, Andheri (West),
Mumbai - 400058
Tel no. : 0091-22-6237454
Fax no. : 0091-22-6237042
Contact :
Prof. C N Narvekar E-mail narvekar @spjimr.ernet.in
Prof. Prasad Chakrabarti E-mail [email protected]