Operations research and the management sciences (OR/MS) have always stood in close relation to computer science and artificial intelligence (CS/AI). Cross-fertilization between these fields has made possible advances that could have not been achieved in isolation. The aim of the INFORMS Computing Society, and of its research conferences, is to invigorate and further develop the interface of OR/MS and CS/AI.
We invite you to the Eighth ICS conference which highlights research on the conference theme Optimization and Computation in the Network Era. We solicit papers with either a theoretical, computational, or applied focus on the conference theme as well as topics of general interest to the INFORMS Computing Society. The conference will consist of a plenary talk, tutorials on advanced topics, and research presentations covering two categories of papers: peer-review papers that will be compiled into a book published by Kluwer, and unrefereed, shorter, papers.
The conference will be held in Phoenix, Arizona from January 8-10, 2003, at the Sheraton San Marcos Resort and Convention Center. We invite you to experience the beauty of the Southwest desert, warm sunny weather, and beautiful mountains and golf courses.
The conference is sponsored in part by the eBusiness Research Center at Penn State University.