The aim of the Asian Simulation Technology Conference 2007 (ASTEC 2007) is to
give a state of the art overview of industrial simulation related research and
to provide an annual status report on present day simulation research within
Asia and the rest of the world. The exchange of techniques and ideas among the
different disciplines, universities and industry, which support the integration
of simulation in the everyday workplace, is the basic premise at the heart of
ASTEC-2007. Each year ASTEC will adapt its aim in response to the demands of
research at that particular point in time and on the bequest of the organizing
country's and university's research needs.
The conference will cover the following tracks:[ ] Discrete Event Simulation Methodology
[ ] Agent Based Simulation
[ ] Aerospace Simulation
[ ] Engineering Simulation
[ ] Traffic and transport Simulation
[ ] Robotics Simulation
[ ] Simulation in Telecommunications
[ ] Simulation in Manufacturing
[ ] Simulation in Electronics
[ ] Automotive Simulation
[ ] Graphics Simulation