The ESM 2006 (European Simulation and Modelling Conference) is the
original European international conference concerned with state of
the art technology in modelling and simulation. ESM 2006 aims to
provide an overview of academic research in the field of computer
simulation and covers:
[ ] Methodology and Tools
[ ] Simulation in AI
[ ] High Performance and Large Scale Computing
[ ] Simulation in Education and Graphics Visualization Simulation
[ ] Simulation in the Environment, Ecology, Biology and Medicine
[ ] Analytical and Numerical Modelling Techniques
[ ] Web Based Simulation
[ ] Agent Based Simulation
[ ] Simulation with Petri Nets
[ ] Modelling and Simulation with Bondgraphs
[ ] DEVS Workshop
[ ] Fluid Flow Simulation Modelling
[ ] SIMULA Workshop
[ ] Complex Systems and Self-Organization Modelling
[ ] Poster session
[ ] Student Session