ICONS 2003 will be a forum to bring together experts and practitioners from the major soft-computing themes (neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, fuzzy systems, probabilistic reasoning), and from control systems, signal processing, optimization and statistics, both from theory and their applications in engineering, agriculture, medicine and biology. It is desired to foster cross-fertilization between conventional computing and soft-computing and to explore opportunities provided by individual soft-computing methodologies and their hybrids. While control systems methods and applications will be a dominant theme, the conference is not limited to these subjects. Rather, it aims to be a multidisciplinary forum to promote discussion and transfer of knowledge between people from different backgrounds, albeit related to the main theme.
Soft computing methods in modelling, systems identification and control; stability, sensitivity and robustness issues;
Search methods and decision-making: neural networks, evolutionary computing, fuzzy techniques (single or multiple objective);
Emerging soft computing techniques (biological paradigms such as swarm optimisation, ant colonies);
Hybrids of soft computing systems (e.g neuro-fuzzy systems, neuro-genetic)
Hybrid uses of conventional and soft-computing methods (e.g. role of statistics, probabilistic models)
Intelligent systems and instrumentation: smart systems, sensors, actuators and distributed systems
Data fusion and data mining; Fault management and knowledge processing and representation; Use of internet technology; Intelligent agents
Real-time aspects of intelligent control; Training and adaptation algorithms; Constructive algorithms; Structures for soft-computing; Design methodologies
Architectures for real-time soft-control (e.g special processors, parallel processing, FPGAs); Reconfigurable control;
Applications to include transport, medical, biology, aerospace, automation, biotechnology, mechatronics, agriculture, robotics and autonomous systems
ICONS 2003 will be co-located with the 2nd International Conference on Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization (EMO 2003). Registered participants for ICONS 2003 are invited to attend the plenary lectures of EMO 2003. Participants can register for ICONS 2003, or, for a small adiitional fee, for both Conferences. In the latter case, participants are welcome for all sessions of both conferences, and will receive a copy of the EMO 2003 proceedings.
The call for papers and subsequent program details can be found on:
ICONS 2003 web site - http://conferences.ptrede.com/icons03/
EMO 2003 web site - http://conferences.ptrede.com/emo03/