This conference is third in a series.
The first meeting (June 24-28, 1996) attracted over 80 participants from more
than 22 countries. Among them there were 24 participants from Bulgaria and 20
participants from the remaining Eastern European countries. In this way the
meeting facilitated an exchange of ideas between East and West. The refereed
Proceedings were published by Springer Verlag in their Lecture Notes in Computer
Science series (vol. 1196).
The second one (June 11-15, 2000) attracted over 100 participants from more
than 23 countries. Among them there were 21 participants from Bulgaria and
22 participants from the remaining Eastern European countries. The refereed
Proceedings were published by Springer Verlag in their Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series (vol. 1988).
We believe that we have created a significant international event and utilizing
all of our experience we plan to repeat them in 2004.
We intend to make these meetings traditional. The largest group of numerical
analysts in Bulgaria is in Sofia. They have a similar series of conferences each
four years starting in the early eighties. The last three were held in 1994,
1998 and 2002. In the last several years a second group of scientists working
on variuos aspects of Numerical Analysis came into being at the University of
As previously, the main tracks of the conference are planned to be:
1. Numerical Linear Algebra.
2. Numerical Methods for Differential Equations.
3. Numerical Modeling.
4. High Performance Scientific Computing.