The Boston University Department of Manufacturing Engineering and the
> Center for Information and Systems Engineering invite you to attend our
> next biannual Emerging Technologies Seminar that will take place on
> November 15:
> "Production and Supply Chain Logistics in the Global Communications
> Economy"
> The seminar will address:
> (i) the observed impact of the adoption of recent Information and
> Enterprise Integration technologies such as web information portals and
> logistics, and
> (ii) the expected impact of advances that are around the corner such as
> next generation wireless telephony and Complex System Management
> research results.
Topics that will be taken up in each of the three sessions are:
> Value of Information for controlling Inventory and Speed across the
> Supply Chain: What is the potential contribution of state of the art
> Enterprise Requirements Planning (ERP) Software? Is quantitative
> decentralized production floor analysis complementary to ERP Software?
> Supplier Relations and Operations in the Communication Era: Web
> portals for enhanced customer interaction, and the role of next
> generation wireless communication capabilities in improving efficiency
> in the operations arena.
> Noteworthy achievements and challenges in Military Supply Chain
> Management: Are there research achievements in the logistics of complex
> stochastic supply chains that may benefit military campaigns with high
> reliability and effective quality of service provision today? Can
> civilian supply chain productivity improve from the adoption of similar
> approaches tomorrow?
Seminar speakers include:
> Professor Rajan Suri, Director Center for Quick Response
> Manufacturing, University of Wisconsin-Madison
> Alden B. Davis, Wizard of "E" Strategic Planning, UTC: Pratt & Whitney
> Corporation
> Professor John Henderson, Chair of Management Information Systems
> department, Boston University Graduate School of Management
> Sean Willems, Chief Scientist, Optiant, and Assistant Professor,
> Operations Management department, Boston University Graduate School of
> Management
> This seminar will be held at the Boston University Photonics Center at 8
> St. Mary's St, Boston, MA.
Please visit our website for details and
> registration (preregistration is required)