SPIRE 2006 is the 13th Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval. The first four editions focused primarily on string processing and South America, and were called WSP (South American Workshop on String Processing). Starting in 1998, the focus of the workshop was broadened to include the area of information retrieval due to its increasing relevance and its inter-relationship with the area of string processing. In addition, since 2000, the conference venue has been in Europe in even years.
SPIRE 2006 covers research in all aspects of string processing, information retrieval, computational biology, pattern matching, semi-structured data, and related applications. Typical topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
String Processing: dictionary algorithms, text searching, pattern matching, text compression, text mining, natural language processing, and automata based string processing.
Information Retrieval (IR): IR modelling, indexing, ranking and filtering, interface design, visualisation, cross-lingual IR systems, multimedia IR, digital libraries, collaborative retrieval, and Web related applications.
Interaction of biology and computation: DNA sequencing and applications in molecular biology, evolution and phylogenetics, recognition of genes and regulatory elements, and sequence driven protein structure prediction.
Information Retrieval languages and applications: XML, SGML, information retrieval from semistrutured data, text mining, and generation of structured data from text.
- Paolo Ferragina, Univ. of Pisa, Italy
- Mark Sanderson, Univ. of Sheffield, UK
- Fabio Crestani, Univ. of Strathclyde, UK