The Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) language has become a
major declarative specification and implementation language for
constraint reasoning algorithms and applications. Algorithms
are often specified using inference rules, rewrite rules,
sequents, proof rules or logical axioms that can be directly
written in CHR. Based on first order predicate logic, this clean
semantics of CHR facilitates non-trivial program analysis and
transformation. See the CHR website for more information.
The First Workshop on Constraint Handling Rules was organized in
May 2004 in Ulm, Germany.
Topics of Interest
The workshop calls for full papers and short papers describing
ongoing work, on all aspects of CHR, including topics such as:
* Semantics
* Implementations and Optimization
* Programming Environments (Debugging)
* Program Transformation and Generation
* Language Extensions (Types, Modules)
* Program Analysis
* Algorithms
* Constraint Solvers
* Retractable Constraints
* Logical Algorithms
* Programming Pearls
* Applications
* Critical Assessment
* Comparisons with Related Approaches
In addition, the workshop calls for CHR programming pearls. A
programming pearl is a short piece of self-contained code of
outstanding quality. Ideally it should be clearly correct,
elegant, concise and efficient, though in some cases a (small)
subset of these may not apply. It may be a useful application
or may primarily be an example of a useful programming
technique. Accompanying text explains the code and its
qualities. These may be exposed by describing how a programmer
could derive the code. Ideally, a CHR programming pearl should
also showcase the CHR language, for example, declarative semantics,
concurrency, on-line and any-time behavior.
The best paper receives the CHR Best Paper Award. It is chosen
among all submissions for its outstanding quality in both
presentation and scientific contribution and for its impact on
the field of CHR.
The best programming pearl submission receives the CHR Programming
Pearl Award and will be presented at the workshop.
Submission Information
All papers must be written in English and not exceed 15 pages
in Springer LNCS format. The authors are encouraged, although
not obliged, to submit their papers already in Springer LNCS
format. General information about the Springer LNCS series and
the LNCS authors' instructions are available at the Springer
LNCS/LNAI home page.
Submissions should be sent to [email protected]
and mention 'CHR 2005 Submission' in the subject. Every submission
should include the names and e-mail addresses of the authors (with
the corresponding author marked), the paper abstract in ASCII