(The workshop takes place directly following the EURO2001-conference.)
We would be pleased if you could participate in this workshop.
Some information on the conference is given below.
Further details can be found on the internet:
Short information on the workshop:
'Smooth and Nonsmooth Optimization, Theory and Applications'
Rotterdam, July 12-13, 2001
- The workshop is organized directly following the conference
EURO2001(Rotterdam, July 9-11)
- Topics:
Linear and nonlinear programming, semidefinite and semi-infinite
optimization, optimal control, complementarity problems,
nondifferentiable analysis.
P. Gritzmann (Technical Univ. of Muenchen)
H.Th. Jongen (Univ. of Aachen)
A. Kruger (Institute of Labour and Social Relations, Minsk)
B. Polyak (Institute of Control Science, Moscow)
V. Protassov (University of Rotterdam)
K. Roos (Technical University Delft)
- Organization of the conference:
There will be no parallel sessions. Consequently,
apart from the 6 'Invited Talks' (45 min) there will be only
!! a limited number of about 14 'Contributed Talks' (25 min.).
!! The 'Contributed Talks' will be accepted in the order in which
!! the abstracts are received.
- Deadlines:
Registration: 01 May (ask by e-mail to [email protected]
for a registration form)
abstract: 15 May (send 'Latex-format' at most one page, incl.
title and adres of authors,
by e-mail to [email protected])
- conference fees:
Dfl 120.- (55 Euro) to be payed (cash)
at the registration desk of the conference
- Hotel-reservation:
directly via http://www.math.utwente.nl/~still/snopt/
- Organizing Committee:
J. Brinkhuis, J.B.G. Frenk, T. Illes,
G. Still, G.-W. Weber
- Scientific Committee:
J. Kolumban , W. Krabs, B. Kummer,
G. Leitmann, D. Pallaschke, B. Polyak,
K. Roos, J. Stoer, T. Terlaky, F. Twilt