Will serve two-year term beginning in 2020
CATONSVILLE, MD, October 11, 2019 – INFORMS, the largest international association of operations research (O.R.) and analytics professionals and students, announced that L. Beril Toktay has been elected to its board, where she will serve a two-year term as vice president of marketing, outreach and communication. Toktay is a professor in the Scheller College of Business at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Her primary research is done in sustainable operations, closed-loop supply chains and supply chain management. Her work won her the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Society's 2015 Management Science Best Paper in Operations Management Award.
Toktay has served as an associate editor for several INFORMS journals and became a distinguished fellow of the MSOM Society in 2017.
With 12,500 members from nearly 90 countries, INFORMS is the largest international association of operations research (O.R.) and analytics professionals and students. INFORMS provides unique networking and learning opportunities for individual professionals, and organizations of all types and sizes, to better understand and use O.R. and analytics tools and methods to transform strategic visions and achieve better outcomes. Visit www.informs.org or @informs.
Ashley Smith

Media Contact
Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]