
Op-Ed: Requiring vaccination proof isn't the problem. Making sure it's reliable can be

Op-Ed: Requiring vaccination proof isn't the problem. Making sure it's reliable can be

IndyStar, September 22, 2021

Once the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines were given FDA Emergency Use Authorization in December, the first priority was to create a national vaccine supply chain to get vaccines into the arms of health care workers and at-risk populations.  As the supply of vaccines increased, the footprint of eligible recipients grew.  By April, anyone over age 16 could get vaccinated at no cost at numerous facilities like their local pharmacy. 

As Vaccine Incentives Flounder, Messaging Revamp Called Critical

As Vaccine Incentives Flounder, Messaging Revamp Called Critical

Bloomberg Law, September 13, 2021

A Biden administration push for states to pay low-income residents to get the Covid-19 shot is clashing with research findings that certain financial incentives are largely ineffective—leaving government officials on the line for new ways to bolster vaccination numbers.

What Are the Ethics of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine Booster?

What Are the Ethics of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine Booster?

Futurity, September 10, 2021

After the Biden administration’s announcement on COVID-19 booster shots, questions came up about the ethics of vaccinated people in the US getting a booster when so many people around the world are still waiting for their first dose.

Opinion: The NHL provides a playbook on vaccinations, minus a mandate

Opinion: The NHL provides a playbook on vaccinations, minus a mandate

Montreal Gazette, September 8, 2021

The NHL and its Players’ Association released their 2021-22 COVID-19 guidelines. The message that they are conveying: get vaccinated or face significant restrictions and protocols that will make your life miserable and may cost you money if you become infected or if local restrictions limit your participation in team activities.

Media Contact

Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]

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