Supply Chain

States Craft Vaccine Plans in a Haze of Changing Information

States Craft Vaccine Plans in a Haze of Changing Information

Bloomberg Quint, December 4, 2020

Weeks before states expect to receive their first shipments of Covid-19 vaccines, conflicting messages from the federal government have obscured exactly how many doses may arrive. Some governors, including New York’s Andrew Cuomo and California’s Gavin Newsom, have made splashy announcements about how much of Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE’s vaccines they expect should the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorize them this month. Other states can’t provide a solid answer given how quickly estimates change.

JDD Series: JD’s End-To-End Replenishment System Endorsed By Top Industry Journ…

JDD Series: JD’s End-To-End Replenishment System Endorsed By Top Industry Journ…

Public, November 26, 2020

During JD's fourth annual tech summit JD Discovery (JDD) held on November 25th in Beijing, JD has shared plans to build a digital and intelligent supply chain. JD-Y, JD's supply chain R&D unit (focused on supply chain innovation) shared a relevant breakthrough and application regarding its self-built industry-leading end-to-end replenishment model (E2E model).

Vaccine Poses Immense, Unprecedented Distribution Challenges

Vaccine Poses Immense, Unprecedented Distribution Challenges

Manufacturing Net, November 19, 2020

Reports of spiking COVID-19 cases and related fatalities have been met with recent news of extremely promising vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna. With the two offerings promising 90 and 95 percent effectiveness against the virus, respectively, attention now turns to mass production and, more importantly, mass distribution. According to Anna Nagurney, Ph.D., Director of the Virtual Center for Supernetworks and professor at the Department of Operations and Information Management at the University of Massachusetts, distribution is where the biggest challenges lie.

COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution, Shipping Present Challenges

COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution, Shipping Present Challenges

NBC DFW, November 18, 2020

With COVID-19 cases rising across the country, the need for a safe and reliable vaccine is increasing. Both Pfizer and Moderna have announced vaccine trials with more than 90% effectiveness. Creating vaccines and getting federal approval are only the first hurdles which are followed by finding ways to transport the highly-perishable vaccines to millions of Americans.

Don't Count on Finding Toilet Paper on  Your Next Run to Target or Walmart: COVID-19 Panic Buying is on a Roll Again

Don't Count on Finding Toilet Paper on Your Next Run to Target or Walmart: COVID-19 Panic Buying is on a Roll Again

USA Today, November 23, 2020

Paper products and other household staples are in high demand in stores and online again as the virus surges and lockdowns loom, but none more so than those essential rolls of soft cotton squares. Photos of bare shelves and public pleas to leave behind a few rolls for other shoppers are overflowing social media. “The toilet paper aisle is CLEARED!” one person wrote on Twitter. “March 2.0 is here folkssss.”

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Supply Chains

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Supply Chains

Bank of American, November 23, 2020

The coronavirus revealed stark vulnerabilities in the supply chains that move products from the raw material stage, through production, and to a customer’s door. As key segments of this system faltered, businesses responded in real time, finding new ways to source materials and keep their products moving. The lessons learned from this experience can help companies transform how they view and build supply chains, says Matthew Elliott, Business Banking Midwest Region Executive for Bank of America.

What Will It Take to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine to the World?

What Will It Take to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine to the World?

New Scientist, November 18, 2020

In Kalamazoo, Michigan, millions of vials of a covid-19 vaccine may soon be rolling off production lines. There are still many hurdles to leap before that vaccine – the candidate from US drug company Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech – or any other is approved and distributed, but governments, manufacturers and shipping firms around the world have already spent months preparing for what happens next.

COVID-19 Vaccines Are Here; Are Airlines Ready To Transport Them?

COVID-19 Vaccines Are Here; Are Airlines Ready To Transport Them?

Forbes, November 17, 2020

The airline industry has been a major beneficiary of the vaccine euphoria. First Pfizer, then Moderna announced vaccine candidates with a promised effectiveness of 90% or more. This excited investors and airline executives alike, with visions of pent-up demand creating packed planes with filled middle seats.

Vaccine Poses Immense, Unprecedented Distribution Challenges

Vaccine Poses Immense, Unprecedented Distribution Challenges

Manufacturing Net, November 19, 2020

Reports of spiking COVID-19 cases and related fatalities have been met with recent news of extremely promising vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna. With the two offerings promising 90 and 95 percent effectiveness against the virus, respectively, attention now turns to mass production and, more importantly, mass distribution. According to Anna Nagurney, Ph.D., Director of the Virtual Center for Supernetworks and professor at the Department of Operations and Information Management at the University of Massachusetts, distribution is where the biggest challenges lie.

COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution, Shipping Present Challenges

COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution, Shipping Present Challenges

NBC DFW, November 18, 2020

With COVID-19 cases rising across the country, the need for a safe and reliable vaccine is increasing. Both Pfizer and Moderna have announced vaccine trials with more than 90% effectiveness. Creating vaccines and getting federal approval are only the first hurdles which are followed by finding ways to transport the highly-perishable vaccines to millions of Americans.

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Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]

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