Aviation Applications Dissertation Prize

The Aviation Applications Section of INFORMS awards a prize for the best dissertation in any area related to aviation OR (air traffic management OR and airline OR). The winner will receive a plaque and an honorarium. Finalists will receive an honorable mention and a certificate.

2023 Winner(s)

Winning material: Advanced demand-capacity balancing mechanisms to improve performance of European air traffic networks

Purpose of the Award

Application Process

 Click here for more information

Past Awardees

2023 Winner(s)
Jan-Rasmus Künnen, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
2022 Winner(s)
Max Li, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2021 Winner(s)
Sebastian Birolini, University of Bergamo
2021 Honorable Mention
Sandeep Badrinath, MIT
2020 Winner(s)
David Sanchez, Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Keji Wei, Dartmouth College
2020 Honorable Mention
Maximilian Pohl, Technical University of Munich
2019 Winner(s)
Nuno Ribeiro
2019 Honorable Mention
Gita Taherkhani, University of Waterloo
2018 Winner(s)
Chiwei Yan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2017 Winner(s)
Heng Chen, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2016 First Place
Virginie Lurkin, University of Liege
2016 Honorable Mention
James Jones, University of Maryland at College Park
2015 Winner(s)
Michael Bloem , Stanford University
2014 Winner(s)
Stephen Maher, University of New South Wales
2014 Honorable Mention
Clayton Tino , Georgia Institute of Technology
2013 First Place
Farshid Azadian , Wayne State University
2013 Honorable Mention
Bo Vaaben , Technical University of Denmark
2012 First Place
Marcial Lapp , University of Michigan
2011 First Place
Douglas Fearing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2011 Honorable Mention
Andrew M. Churchill, University of Maryland
2010 First Place
Poornima Balakrishna, George Mason University
2010 Honorable Mention
Niklaus Eggenberg, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
2009 First Place
Gizem Keysan, Georgia Institute of Technology
2009 Honorable Mention
Pavithra Harsha, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2008 First Place
Mustafa Akan, Northwestern University
2007 First Place
Anne Mercier, ExPretio Technologies
2006 First Place
Mattias Gronkvist, Jeppesen
2005 First Place
Gregory Coldren, Coldren Choice Consulting Ltd
2004 First Place
Laurie Anne Garrow, Georgia Institute of Technology
2003 First Place
Milind Sohoni, Indian School of Business
2003 Honorable Mention
Thomas Vossen , University of Colorado - Boulder, Leeds School of Business
Sanne Vincent de Boer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Amy Mainville Cohn, University of Michigan