WSC Diversity Award -- Application Process

In order to improve outreach and diversity among young researchers in the field of simulation, the INFORMS Simulation Society is proud to award sponsorships each year to assist graduate students to attend the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). We especially encourage applications from women, underrepresented minorities, international students, or students who may add to the diversity of the community in other ways.

In 2016, each awardee received an honorarium of $500.00. The WSC Diversity Committee is looking forward to receiving high-quality applications for the coming 2017 WSC meeting.

Please download the following application form with instructions on how to apply. A complete application package consists of this form, a letter of intent written by the applicant, and a letter of recommendation written by an advisor.

Applications for the award to be given in 2017 should be sent by September 1, 2017 to the Awards Committee Chair:

Qiong Zhang
Department of Statistical Sciences and Operations Research
Virginia Commonwealth University
[email protected].