Search Results

All search results for . 10561-10570 of 19510 results.

Ragavendran Gopalakrishnan

Sherwin Doroudi

Amy R. Ward

Rakesh Mallipeddi

Yunke Mai

Canan G. Corlu

Bahar Biller

TutORial: Behavioral Challenges in Policy Analysis with Conflicting Objectives
...By Gilberto Montibeller.Public policy problems are rife with conflicting ...

TutORial: Change Detection & Prognostics for Transient Real-World Processes Using Streaming Data
...By Satish Bukkapatnam and Ashif Sikandar IquebalRecent advances in sensor arrays...

TutORial: Machine Learning and Data Mining with Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms
...By Dorit Simona Hochbaum. The dominant algorithms for machine learning tasks ...