Search Results

All search results for . 11141-11150 of 19507 results.

2011 Edelman Winner MISO
...Operations Research Ramps Up the Power Market in the Midwest (MISO)Abstract: The...

Real World Organizational Structures
...INFORMS Speaker: Douglas A. Samuelson, President, InfoLogix, IncA sneak peek at ...

2012 Edelman Finalist Hewlett Packard
...Hewlett-Packard: Transformation of HP's Business Model through Advanced ...

2011 Edelman Finalist Fluor
...System Dynamics Transforms Fluor Corporation Project and Change ...

Successful Supply Chain Management: How Management Science Can Help
...INFORMS Speaker: Timothy J. Lowe, Tippy College of Business, University of Iowa...

2012 Edelman Finalist Danaos
...Operations Research in Ship Management: Maximizing Fleet-Wide Revenue Routing at...

Breakthroughs in Cancer Treatment
...INFORMS Speaker: Eva K. Lee, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of ...

2011 Edelman Finalist InterContinental Hotels
...Retail Price Optimization at InterContinental Hotels GroupAbstract: ...

New Research on the Theory of Waiting Lines (Queues), Including the Psychology of Queuing
...INFORMS Speaker: Dick Larson, 'Dr. Queue', MITA sneak peek at Dick Larson's ...

Educating Analytics Practioners: M.S. Degrees in Analytics
...2011 INFORMS Annual MeetingCharlotte, NC...