All search results for . 11351-11360 of 20087 results.
How neuromarketing helps us understand post-pandemic changes in consumer behavior
How many Georgians have reported COVID vaccine side effects to CDC? A fraction of a fraction
New Research Says Millions of Dollars Saved Daily When Scheduled Travel Providers Adapt to On-Demand Service Scheduling Based on Commuter and Traff...
...INFORMS Journal Transportation Science Study Key Takeaways...
Towards Zero Hunger with Analytics
...Today, nearly 690 million people regularly go to bed hungry. This means 1 in 11 ...
Might Data Help the Destitute? Analytics to Address Homelessness
...body table...
How important are those vaccination cards?
Global Food Security
...Humanity relies on cultivated lands to feed itself and thrive. Fertilizers are ...
Georgia sees a rise in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations