Search Results

All search results for . 12211-12220 of 19507 results.

Xinyu Zhao

Interviews That Make an Impact: Tips for Our Virtual Age
...Author: Andrew Hall, West PointMilitary Operations Research offers a breadth of ...

Yongtao Guan

Planes, Dry Ice, Pharmacies: The Logistical Challenges of COVID-19 Vaccines

Jiuyun Hu

INFORMS 2020 Edelman Award Ceremony
...The Franz Edelman competition attests to the contributions of operations ...

Yajun Mei

A Winter Surge in COVID-19 Cases Seem Inevitable. Can We Stop It?

Yongchun Li

2020 Edelman Finalist: Walmart
...A Multi-Objective Price Optimization Framework in Stores Using Reinforcement ...