All search results for . 12741-12750 of 20203 results.
Judith Liebman Award
...Nominations should be submitted to...
Dissertation Prize -- Application Process
...Nominations are invited for this year's Dissertation Prize Competition, ...
John von Neumann Theory Prize
...Committee Chair...
Hewlett-Packard Co.
...HP, the world's largest technology company, creates technology solutions that ...
CSX Railways
...Dharma Acharya, David Sellers, CSX Transportation; Michael Gorman, University of...
IBM Corporation
...IBM is a multinational computer, technology and IT consulting corporation ...
Marriott International
...Sharon Hormby, Julia Morrison, Prashant Dave, Michele Meyers, Tim Tenca, ...
INFORMS Conference: Optimizing the Extended Enterprise in the New Economy
...The conference on OR/MS...
International Symposium on Forecasting, ISF2002
...Major interdisciplinary meeting on forecasting...
11th INFORMS Applied Probability Society Conference
...The topics of interest include but are not limited to...