All search results for . 16011-16020 of 20203 results.
The Mathematics of Alan Hoffman
...This two hour virtual online meeting celebrated the contributions to mathematics...
Gaza’s Rockets: A Replenished Arsenal That Vexes Israel
Why a global chip shortage is screwing up America’s pickup trucks
Are you Resilient? Hidden Risks in Sub-Tier Supply Network
...In the past decade firms have encountered an ever-increasing number of supply ...
The Cost of Signaling Status
...Not only has American society become more unequal over the last four decades, ...
In-person academic conferences must resume this autumn
Operations research advice for Covid-19 vaccination planners: think bigger, move faster
Research: When a Higher Minimum Wage Leads to Lower Compensation
University of Iowa, Department of Business Analytics Awarded the 2021 INFORMS UPS George D. Smith Prize
...CATONSVILLE, MD, April 13, 2021 ��� INFORMS, the leading international ...