Search Results

All search results for . 1741-1750 of 19484 results.

INFORMS Awards Wagner Prize to Israel’s Yedioth Group
...MINNEAPOLIS, October 14, 2013 The Institute for Operations Research and the ...

Data Science (and Analytics) Certification

Ludwig Kuntz

Jing Xie

INFORMS NEWS: Winter Simulation Conference 2013
...The Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) has been the premier international forum ...

IFORS 2014 Triennial Conference
...We invite you to participate in the IFORS 2014 Conference and to submit an ...

INFORMS NEWS: INFORMS welcomes the following new members
...INFORMS welcomes the following new members who joined the Institute in July and ...

INFORMS 2014 Transportation Science & Logistics Society Workshop
...Chairs: Maciek Nowak, & Michael Hewitt,

3rd Annual ASA Conference on Statistical Practice

Joint Statistical Meetings 2014: Statistics: Global Impact – Past, Present and Future