Search Results

All search results for . 17491-17500 of 19484 results.

DIMACS Workshop on Properties of Large Graphs: From Combinatorics to Statistical Physics and Back
...Many topics of research in mathematics, computer science and physics involve ...

...Statistical Analysis and Data Mining of Business Processes...

Third AIMS International Conference on Management
...Welcome to the Third AIMS International Conference on Management jointly ...

AMCIS 2006 Minitrack "Decision Support Systems in the Environment"
...This mini track focuses on innovative design and use of Decision Support Systems...

SIGEF: XIII Congress of International Association for Fuzzy-Set Management and Economy
...The Congress offers a forum where academics, professionals and practitioners, ...

XVII ABAS International Conference
...The XVII International Conference of the Academy of Business & ...

Technology and innovation management
...A three day executive training course being held from 28-30 March 2006, Jesus ...

Symposium on Operations Research and the Criminal Justice System
...Symposium on Operations Research and the Criminal Justice System...

IX ABAS International Conference
...The XIX International Conference of the Academy of Business & Administrative...

Consumer Behavior and Payment Choice
...The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston invites submissions for its second annual ...