All search results for . 18021-18030 of 20202 results.
Military Exercises: Wargamers explore ‘forbidden options’
...By Douglas A. Samuelson and Russell R. Vane III...
When Estimating Demand, It Helps to Know Where Your Inventory Is
...A seldom-publicized reality of brick-and-mortar retail is that most retailers do...
...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comThe train pulled smoothly and quietly out ...
In Memoriam: Robert Eugene Donald Woolsey (1936-2015)
...A pillar of the profession and a relentless advocate for practical applications...
INFORMS NEWS: Philadelphia set to host 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting
...By Tam��s Terlaky...
...The INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST 2015) will be...
INFORMS NEWS: Data Mining and Analytics Workshop
...The Data Mining and Analytics (DM&A) Workshop of INFORMS will be held Oct. ...
INFORMS NEWS: Student Analytical Scholar Award
...Radhika Kulkarni (left) presents Student Analytical Scholar Award to Jodie Lam...