Search Results

All search results for . 18161-18170 of 19483 results.

Yongtao Guan

A Framework for the Management of Innovation
...Authors: Stelios Kavadias; Jeremy Hutchison-Krupat, University of ...

When AI is Used to Set Prices, Can Inadvertent Collusion be a Result?
...New research points to the advantages and pitfalls of machine learning to set ...

Daniel Yamin

Military Operations Research: A Career’s Worth of Opportunities in the United States Army
...Author: Andrew Hall, West PointMilitary Operations Research offers a breadth of ...

There's Something to Gain in the Space Between Home and Work

Shantih Spanton

Jialei Chen

Stochastic Market Microstructure Models of Limit Order Books
...Authors: Costis Maglaras, Columbia University; Rama Cont, University of Oxford ...

COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Chain Can Be Fixed