All search results for . 1881-1890 of 20202 results.
6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM¡-09)
A Passion for Publications
...INFORMS President-Elect Mark Daskin, who takes over the presidential reins on ...
7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC2009)
Weddings & Workflow
...A few short weeks from my wedding day. The closer we get, the more "real&...
The Value of Great Teaching
...I was talking to a colleague at the CORS/INFORMS conference in Toronto in June ...
David S. Johnson
E-Business: Old Wine in New E-Bottles?
...When things change, how much do they remain the same? Two recent experiences ...
Masakazu Kojima
Richard M. Karp
Nimrod Megiddo