Search Results

All search results for . 18831-18840 of 19483 results.

...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comThe group that had gathered to watch the ...

Ramtin Madani

Less is More: Fewer Major Improvement Suggestions Can Enable Us to Review Even Less and Progress Even More
...As we strive to review less (2 reviewers and 2 rounds of reviews), the journal ...

Teodor Gabriel Crainic

Weini Zhang

Gunhui Chung

Carefully choosing your words in a fundraising appeal can increase donations by over 300 percent
...CATONSVILLE, MD, November 2, 2016 - A forthcoming study in the INFORMS ...

Bilkent Supply Chain and Logistics Workshop
...We invite researchers and practitioners working in the areas of supply chain ...

Anh Tien Mai

Making M&SOM more accessible: self-contained abstracts
...Due to the support of our community (authors, reviewers, and editorial board ...