All search results for . 19571-19580 of 20152 results.
Andreea Popescu
International Symposium on Forecasting, ISF2002
...Major interdisciplinary meeting on forecasting...
...This meeting, the eighth in the series of IPCO (Integer Programming and ...
AMA Frontiers in Services Conference
...Co-sponsored by the Center for e-Service...
Fifth Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP)
...The workshop MAPSP takes place every two years in a different country (Lago di ...
SIAM Conf on Geometric Design and Computing
Winter Simulation Conference
4th Int'l Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling
...This conference is the fourth in a series of conferences that serve as...
CORS Annual Conference jointly with Optimization Days
...Conference theme: "Decision-Aid for Performance Enhancement"...
Second SIAM International Conference on Data Mining