All search results for . 19661-19670 of 20081 results.
Welcome to Decision Analysis Review
...The motivation of this online initiative is to disseminate the key ideas ...
Identifying and Structuring the Objectives of the “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant” (ISIL) and its Followers
...The ���Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant��� (ISIL) poses a growing threat to ...
Philadelphia area university presidents to host panel discussion on Analytics in higher education
...PHILADELPHIA, PA, October 15, 2015 ��� How can higher education leverage ...
Kayse Maass
Eghbal Rashidi
Michael Prokle
Qiaowei Shen
INFORMS to launch Pro Bono Analytics initiative to connect nonprofits with analytics experts
...CATONSVILLE, MD, October 19, 2015 - The Institute for Operations Research and ...
Ping Xiao