Search Results

All search results for . 19911-19920 of 20081 results.

Stone, Lawrence D.

White, Jr., John A.

History of OR: Useful history of operations research
...Long-term prospects and aspirations for historical preservation, research and ...

Cushen, W. Edward

2015 Doing Good with Good OR Student Competition finalists
...Doing Good with Good OR tackles crime, Ebola, blood donation, medical ...

Rigorous and Technical Analysis in the M&SOM Journal
...Over the years, rigorous technical analysis has been the corner stone of the ...

Edelman Award: Syngenta earns 2015 INFORMS Edelman Award
...Agribusiness sows the seeds of success with operations research and analytics.By...

Hillier, Frederick S.

INFORMS Prize: Chevron wins INFORMS Prize for analytics excellence
...Bill Klimack (center, holding trophy), manager of decision analysis consulting ...

Stephen Leider