All search results for . 20001-20010 of 20129 results.
And the Winner Is...
...In the February issue of OR/MS Today, we wrote a story on INFORMS President-...
The Right Stuff
...There are many areas in the space program where operations research and ...
Bubbles, Bad Bets and Bankruptcy
IT Matters, But Only in Frame
...A thought-provoking article in Harvard Business Review, "IT doesn't matter&...
Security (Part II): Hello, iol_editor, darling
...I don't know about you, but since the April issue of OR/MS Today appeared, I ...
Salt Lake City: Undiscovered Secret
...The INFORMS Spring 2000 meeting will be held May 7-10 in Salt Lake City in the ...
Decisions and Elections Explaining the Unexpected
...It is not uncommon to be frustrated by the outcome of an election or a decision ...
Letters to the Editor
...Call for Health Care Action...
What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate
...Communication styles. This is exactly the kind of thing that most OR people tend...