All search results for . 20161-20170 of 20259 results.
2018 INFORMS MSOM Conference
Cheat sheet: How to become a data scientist
INFORMS News: Tsitsiklis receives Saul Gass Expository Writing Award
...John Tsitsklis (left) accepts Saul Gass Expository Writing Award as presenter ...
Trilce Encarnacion
...What prompted you to enter this field? Why...
Jack Muckstadt at his retirement celebration in New York City
INFORMS News: Bonder Scholarship for O.R. in Military Apps
...Bonder Scholarship for Applied O.R. in Military Applications (l-r): presenter ...
Mo' data, mo' problems: Information systems wrestle with corporate knowledge loss
Lindo exhibits at INFORMS conference, Houston, 2017