Search Results

All search results for . 2261-2270 of 19484 results.

2013 IAAA Videos

2016 Edelman Finalist NYPD
...The New York City Police Department's Domain Awareness SystemThe New York City ...

2016 Wagner Competition Videos

2016 INFORMS Analytics Conference Orlando
...2016 Franz Edelman Competition Videos2016 Edelman Gala2016 Innovative ...

2015 Wagner Competition Videos

2016 Edelman Finalist BNY Mellon
...Transition State and End State Optimization Used in the BNY Mellon U.S. Tri-...

2016 Wagner Prize Finalist - Syngenta
...Implementation of the Genetic Gain Performance Metric Accelerates Agricultural ...

2014 Wagner Competition Videos

2015 INFORMS Analytics Conference Huntington Beach
...2015 Franz Edelman Competition Videos2015 Edelman Gala2015 Innovative ...

Rethinking Risk Assessment and Management for Homeland Security and Defense
...The welfare of our society depends on effective assessment and management of ...