Search Results

All search results for . 2451-2460 of 19484 results.

Bezalel Gavish

Daniel Granot

Call for nominations: INFORMS prizes & awards
...INFORMS FellowsINFORMS Fellows are examples of outstanding lifetime achievement ...

Michael N. Katehakis

Richard P. O'Neill

Marius Solomon

In Memoriam: Kenneth J. Arrow (1921-2017)
...Photo credit: L.A. Cicero in Stanford NewsKenneth J. Arrow, widely recognized as...

2015 Edelman Finalist Saudi Arabia
...An OR-based decision support system for crowd management during the HajjThe Hajj...

2015 Edelman Finalist Ingram Micro
...End-to-End Business Analytics and Optimization in Ingram Micro's Two-Tier ...

2015 Edelman Competition Videos
...The 2015 Edelman Competition was held in Huntington Beach, California on April ...