Search Results

All search results for . 2731-2740 of 19484 results.


JPS Breakfast and Panel

Chuck Holland- UPS
...INFORMS series Using Analytics at Your Company: Tips from Leading Corporations...

2012: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center wins the INFORMS Prize
...Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center accepts the INFORMS Prize at 2012 INFORMS...

IBM: Identifying Opportunities for Analytics
...INFORMS series Using Analytics at Your Company: Tips from Leading Corporations. ...

2013 Franz Edelman Award Winner

2012: Intel wins the Wagner Prize
...Intel accepts the Daniel H. Wagner Prize at the 2012 INFORMS Conference on ...

Operations Research and The Revolution in Aggregate Economics
...Omega Rho Distinguished Lecture...

Analytics - Where is it Headed?
...Analytics - Where is it Headed? Jack Levis, UPS...

Insurance Agency Productivity and Prospecting (iAPP)
...Presented by Mark Grabau, IBM In this session, Grabau presents an approach that ...