All search results for . 2891-2900 of 20203 results.
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO 2005)
Operations Research 2005 (OR 2005) International Conference on Operations Research
6me congrs de la Societe Franaise de Recherche Operationnelle et d'Aide la Decision (ROADEF'05)
3rd International Conference on FUN with Algorithms (FUN 2004)
...This is the third conference dedicated to the use, design, and...
DIMACS Working Group on Algorithms for Multidimensional Scaling II
...Immediately preceding the CSNA-2003 meeting being hosted by Mike...
10th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising
International Mass Customization Meeting (IMCM'05): Concepts ' Tools ' Realization
...The main objective of IMCM'05 is to drive forward the research on mass ...
Conference on Applications of Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
...The principle speakers and others at this conference represent the...
DIMACS Workshop on Complexity and Inference