Search Results

All search results for . 3501-3510 of 19490 results.

Chaitanya Gudapati

George R. Wilson

INFORMS History and Traditions Interview with David Shanno
...David Shanno (2017) Interview by Irv Lustig, December 14, 2017, Washington ...

Calorie postings on menus spill into increased health mentions in online restaurant reviews
...Key Takeaway: In 2008 New York City introduced a rule mandating calorie ...

Kristofer B. Bucklen

The tragic crash of flight AF447 shows the unlikely but catastrophic consequences of automation

EURO 2018
...EURO 2018 is the largest and most important conference for Operational Research ...

Anshul Sharma

Nobel in Economics is awarded to Richard Thaler

WorkWise: Strong and weak ties - their impact on job-hunting