All search results for . 3611-3620 of 20203 results.
Michael H. Rothkopf Memorial Conference
...You are cordially invited to the Memorial Conference to honor the life and work ...
'The Science of Better'
...How do you market, let alone package and sell, a "product" that defies...
MIP 2009
...Mixed Integer Programming Workshop...
Consultant-Client Relationships
...Earlier this summer, my good friend Tom Grossman faxed me an article entitled &...
The General's Parable
...Late fall's chill was in the air, and the stiff breeze drove a steady, cold rain...
2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
...The Annual IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and ...
Operations Research: The Science of Better
...It's hard to believe that the year is almost over. I chaired my last board ...
...Modelling Methodology...
Developing Social Capital Online
...In the April 2002 issue of OR/MS Today, referring to Putnam's "Bowling ...
The Science of Better What?
...nbsp;Learning without wisdom is like a load of books on a donkey's back.-...