Search Results

All search results for . 3861-3870 of 19494 results.

Optimal Contracts in Complex Projects*
...In a recent article in the Seattle Times (March 22, 2015), Jon Talton wrote ...

In Memoriam: Robert Eugene Donald Woolsey (1936-2015)
...A pillar of the profession and a relentless advocate for practical applications...

Peer influence among physicians affects repeat use of new prescription drug
...CATONSVILLE, MD, July 14, 2015 A new study published in Marketing Science, a...

Sobel, Matthew J.

INFORMS NEWS: Philadelphia set to host 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting
...By Tams Terlaky...

2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting Houston

...The INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST 2015) will be...

2017 INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & Operations Research

Avriel, Mordecai

INFORMS NEWS: Student Analytical Scholar Award
...Radhika Kulkarni (left) presents Student Analytical Scholar Award to Jodie Lam...