Search Results

All search results for . 41-50 of 19542 results.

...Jeffrey D. CammJeffrey D. Camm, a professor of operations, business analytics ...

...Genius is the ability to put into effect what is on your mind. F. Scott ...

Geisler, Murray

MISTA 2015
...Scope of the conferenceThe conference will cover, but not be limited to, the ...

Saudi Arabia: World’s Best Analytics Teams Compete for INFORMS Franz Edelman Award
...HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA, April 3, 2015 The Institute for Operations Research ...

Thrall, Robert M.

Understanding the Value Created by Associate Editors: Perspectives from two former Editors of MSOM
...The Associate Editor (AE) is a crucial link, maybe even the most important ...

Tucker, Albert W.

Re: Understanding the Value Created by Associat...

Churchman, C. West