Search Results

All search results for . 5241-5250 of 19507 results.

INFORMS News: Nicholson Student Paper Competition
...Nicholson Prize finalists Shiqian Ma, Chen Chen, Kuang Xu (winner), Yehua Wei ...

Bin Zhang

Jing Zhou

INFORMS News: Robinson wins Undergraduate O.R. Prize
...Matthew Robinson (left) with Committee Chair David Czerwinski.Matthew Robinson ...

INFORMS News: Pulleyblank wins Morse Lectureship Award
...Committee member George Nemhauser, INFORMS President Rina Schneur and Morse ...

Gerard P. Cornuejols

Kenneth R. Chelst

In Memoriam — Seth Bonder (1932-2011)
...By Stephen Pollock...

Michael Ness

INFORMS News: SOLA Air Products Dissertation Award
...The INFORMS Section on Location Analysis (SOLA) will sponsor the bi-annual ...