All search results for . 5451-5460 of 20112 results.
The U.S. power grid desperately needs upgrades to handle climate change
INFORMS 2020 O.R. & Analytics Student Competition: Honorable Mention, Boğaziçi University
...Bo��azi��i UniversityTurkey...
INFORMS 2020 O.R. & Analytics Student Team Competition: Honorable Mention, Tilberg University
...Tilburg UniversityThe Netherlands...
INFORMS 2020 O.R. & Analytics Student Team Competition: Third Place, Özyeğin University
...zye��in UniversityTurkey...
State privacy rules reduce electronic medical sharing by 24 percent, warns Management Insights
INFORMS 2020 O.R. & Analytics Student Competition: First Place, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
...Hebrew University of JerusalemIsrael...
COVID-19 and US Transplant System
COVID-19’s Worst Case? 10.6% Jobless Rate, $1.5 Trillion GDP Drop