Search Results

All search results for . 6571-6580 of 19507 results.

O.R. — A Midlife Crisis?
...I find myself increasingly gravitating towards purchasing and even wearing &quot...

Heavy Dose of Irony
...Another round of quick shots from the O.R. Three-Dot Lounge, where everybody ...

Ode to the Edelman
...Many years ago, I was less than thrilled when my new girlfriend (now wife) ...

Optimizing Weyerhaeuser's Renewable Resources
...Weyerhaeuser Company is an enterprise that is actively engaged in all stages of ...

Life in the Blogosphere
...It has been more than six years since I wrote my last column in this space, ...

What Is It Going to Take?
...The O.R. analyst, usually known for his sense of humor, seemed to be in a ...

O.R. Catches a Wave in Puerto Rico
...Unless you love world-class surfing, you may never have heard of the city of ...

Maple 10:
...I knew it in my heart, my theorem just had to be true. This beautiful result ...

A Pointer on Points
...Residential mortgages today are offered to homeowners in a large variety of ...

O.R. & Criminal Justice: Together Again
...Last fall, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), the research arm of the U. S...